Lucy::Search::LeafQuery - Leaf node in a tree created by QueryParser.
package MyQueryParser; use base qw( Lucy::Search::QueryParser ); sub expand_leaf { my ( $self, $leaf_query ) = @_; if ( $leaf_query->get_text =~ /.\*\s*$/ ) { return PrefixQuery->new( query_string => $leaf_query->get_text, field => $leaf_query->get_field, ); } else { return $self->SUPER::expand_leaf($leaf_query); } }
LeafQuery objects serve as leaf nodes in the tree structure generated by QueryParser’s tree() method. Ultimately, they must be transformed, typically into either TermQuery or PhraseQuery objects, as attempting to search a LeafQuery causes an error.
my $leaf_query = Lucy::Search::LeafQuery->new( text => '"three blind mice"', # required field => 'content', # default: undef );
Create a new LeafQuery.
my $string = $leaf_query->get_field();
Accessor for object’s field
my $string = $leaf_query->get_text();
Accessor for object’s text
my $compiler = $leaf_query->make_compiler( searcher => $searcher # required boost => $boost # required subordinate => $subordinate # default: false );
Throws an error.
Lucy::Search::LeafQuery isa Lucy::Search::Query isa Clownfish::Obj.
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