Lucy::Search::PhraseQuery - Query matching an ordered list of terms.
my $phrase_query = Lucy::Search::PhraseQuery->new( field => 'content', terms => [qw( the who )], ); my $hits = $searcher->hits( query => $phrase_query );
PhraseQuery is a subclass of Query for matching against an ordered sequence of terms.
my $phrase_query = Lucy::Search::PhraseQuery->new( field => $field # required terms => $terms # required );
Create a new PhraseQuery.
my $string = $phrase_query->get_field();
Accessor for object’s field attribute.
my $arrayref = $phrase_query->get_terms();
Accessor for object’s array of terms.
my $compiler = $phrase_query->make_compiler( searcher => $searcher # required boost => $boost # required subordinate => $subordinate # default: false );
Abstract factory method returning a Compiler derived from this Query.
Lucy::Search::PhraseQuery isa Lucy::Search::Query isa Clownfish::Obj.
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