parcel | Lucy |
class variable | LUCY_POSTINGLIST |
struct symbol | lucy_PostingList |
class nickname | lucy_PList |
header file | Lucy/Index/PostingList.h |
Lucy::Index::PostingList – Term-Document pairings.
PostingList is an iterator which supplies a list of document ids that match a given term.
See IRTheory for definitions of “posting” and “posting list”.
lucy_PostingList *self
Return the number of documents that the PostingList contains. (This number will include any documents which have been marked as deleted but not yet purged.)
lucy_PostingList *self,
cfish_Obj *target
Prepare the PostingList object to iterate over matches for documents
that match target
The term to match. If NULL, the iterator will be empty.
lucy_PostingList *self
Proceed to the next doc id.
Returns: A positive doc id, or 0 once the iterator is exhausted.
lucy_PostingList *self,
int32_t target
Advance the iterator to the first doc id greater than or equal to
. The default implementation simply calls Next()
over and over, but subclasses have the option of doing something more
A positive doc id, which must be greater than the current doc id once the iterator has been initialized.
Returns: A positive doc id, or 0 once the iterator is exhausted.
lucy_PostingList *self
Return the current doc id. Valid only after a successful call to Next() or Advance() and must not be called otherwise.
lucy_PostingList *self
Return the score of the current document.
Only Matchers which are used for scored search need implement Score().
Lucy::Index::PostingList is a Lucy::Search::Matcher is a Clownfish::Obj.
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