LucyX::Search::Filter - Build a caching filter based on results of a Query.
my %category_filters; for my $category (qw( sweet sour salty bitter )) { my $cat_query = Lucy::Search::TermQuery->new( field => 'category', term => $category, ); $category_filters{$category} = LucyX::Search::Filter->new( query => $cat_query, ); } while ( my $cgi = CGI::Fast->new ) { my $user_query = $cgi->param('q'); my $filter = $category_filters{ $cgi->param('category') }; my $and_query = Lucy::Search::ANDQuery->new; $and_query->add_child($user_query); $and_query->add_child($filter); my $hits = $searcher->hits( query => $and_query ); ...
A Filter is a Lucy::Search::Query subclass that can be used to filter the results of another Query. The effect is very similar to simply using the wrapped inner query, but there are two important differences:
To obtain logically equivalent results to the Filter but avoid the caching,
substitute the wrapped query but use set_boost() to set its boost
to 0.
my $filter = LucyX::Search::Filter->new( query => $query; );
Takes one hash-style parameter,
which must be an object belonging to a subclass of Lucy::Search::Query.
Filters do not cache when used in a search cluster with LucyX::Remote's SearchServer and SearchClient.
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