Lucy::Search::Span - An offset, a length, and a weight.
my $combined_length = $upper_span->get_length + ( $upper_span->get_offset - $lower_span->get_offset ); my $combined_span = Lucy::Search::Span->new( offset => $lower_span->get_offset, length => $combined_length, ); ...
Span objects store information about a span across an array of… something. The unit is context-dependent.
Text is one possibility, in which case offset and length might be measured in Unicode code points. However, the Span could also refer to a span within an array of tokens, for example – in which case the start and offset might be measured in token positions.
my $span = Lucy::Search::Span->new( offset => 75, # required length => 7, # required weight => 1.0, # default 0.0 );
Create a new Span.
my $int = $span->get_offset();
Accessor for offset
Setter for offset
my $int = $span->get_length();
Accessor for length
Setter for length
my $float = $span->get_weight();
Accessor for weight
Setter for weight
my $int = $span->compare_to($other);
Indicate whether one object is less than, equal to, or greater than another.
Returns: 0 if the objects are equal,
a negative number if self
is less than other
and a positive number if self
is greater than other
Lucy::Search::Span isa Clownfish::Obj.
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