Clownfish::Obj - Base class for all objects.
package MyObj; use base qw( Clownfish::Obj ); # Inside-out member var. my %foo; sub new { my ( $class, %args ) = @_; my $foo = delete $args{foo}; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%args); $foo{$$self} = $foo; return $self; } sub get_foo { my $self = shift; return $foo{$$self}; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; delete $foo{$$self}; $self->SUPER::DESTROY; }
Clownfish::Obj is the base class of the Clownfish object hierarchy.
From the standpoint of a Perl programmer, all classes are implemented as blessed scalar references, with the scalar storing a pointer to a C struct.
The recommended way to subclass Clownfish::Obj and its descendants is to use the inside-out design pattern. (See Class::InsideOut for an introduction to inside-out techniques.)
Since the blessed scalar stores a C pointer value which is unique per-object,
can be used as an inside-out ID.
# Accessor for 'foo' member variable. sub get_foo { my $self = shift; return $foo{$$self}; }
my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
Abstract constructor -- must be invoked via a subclass. Attempting to instantiate objects of class "Clownfish::Obj" directly causes an error.
Takes no arguments; if any are supplied, an error will be reported.
my $result = $obj->clone();
Return a clone of the object.
my $int = $obj->compare_to($other);
Indicate whether one object is less than, equal to, or greater than another.
Returns: 0 if the objects are equal,
a negative number if self
is less than other
and a positive number if self
is greater than other
my $native = $obj->to_perl;
Tries to convert the object to its native Perl representation.
my $bool = $obj->equals($other);
Indicate whether two objects are the same. By default, compares the memory address.
All Clownfish classes implement a DESTROY method; if you override it in a subclass,
you must call $self->SUPER::DESTROY
to avoid leaking memory.
my $string = $obj->to_string();
Generic stringification: “ClassName@hex_mem_address”.
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